Experimentation Results
Experimentation Results

In this section you find information about the DE-AT BZB Split project. Please note that no update will be made after go-live of the split, 01/10/2018.


Dear Market Participants,

Additional data for the DE-AT SPAIC has been made available. They are uploaded on this page. It concerns the following materials:

  • Clustering data of the SPAIC days (which SPAIC day represents which days of the year);
  • Data sets 2a & 2b publication of EXT SPAIC: read outs of the domains of the reference cases (historical and with non-DE-AT related grid changes);
  • Completed information (PTDF and volume) for scenario 2C (scenario with DE-AT split).

Kind regards,



Dear Market Participants,


Flow Based experts of the DE-AT Bidding Zone Border (DE-AT BZB) project have performed, in coordination with experts from the CWE region, a SPAIC (Standard Process to Communicate on and Assess the Impact of Significant Changes) to assess the impact of the DE-AT bidding zone split introduction on the results and performance of the Flow Based Capacity Calculation in the CWE region. The results of this impact assessment are published in the enclosed External SPAIC report which is also part of the CWE Approval Documents. The CWE Approval documents have been submitted for approval to CWE NRAs on 01/06/2018 and are still to be approved within the regular approval process. http://www.jao.eu/support/resourcecenter/overview?parameters=%7B%22IsCWEFBMCRelevantDocumentation%22%3A%22True%22%7D


We trust to have informed you sufficiently,


Best regards,