Q&A answered by NEMOs

External parallel run

Q: What kind of parallel run will be implemented, a grid parallel run or a market parallel run?

A: For the parallel run the orders from the routine MC auction will be used. The orders in the DE/AT/LU bidding zones will be splitted, according to the control areas, in which they have been bidded, in orders for Germany and orders for Austria. The TSOs will for the parallel run provide corresponding flow-based parameters for with Germany and Austria splitted (i.e. the available capacity on this new border). These data (splitted orderbooks and corresponding flow-based parameters) will then be used for the simulations in the parallel run.


Q: How to ensure realistic bids for the parallel run?

A: Since the bids from the routine MC auction will be used it is not to be expected that unrealistic bids will be used by the Market Participants. It could happen that the Market Participants do not divide their bids to the control areas they would use after the split of the Bidding Zone. Would this be the case, the parallel run results would not reflect future DE-AT split results and especially would underestimate future flows between DE-LU and AT. Hence, it should be in the interest of the Market Participants to divide them "correctly", also this would give them basic information of the effect of the future change of their bidding behaviour.


Q: When the external parallel run starts, Market Participants are expected to make their trades. How this will be implemented? What will change?

A: The bids from the daily routine MC auction will be used. The Market Participants should divide their bids to the control areas they would use after the split of the Bidding Zone. It should be in the interest of the Market Participants to divide them "correctly", because this would give them basic information of the effect of the future change of their bidding behaviour. But they will not be obliged to divide their bids.


Q: As we as Market Participants are advised to change our bidding behavior (i.e. taking into account a separate German and Austrian delivery zone) in order to yield reasonable results from the parallel run, this implies higher fees as orders need to be split into two distinct order books.
Is there a possibility that NEMOs/PXs could lower the fees during the parallel run?

A: The involved NEMOs/PXs are aware of this issue and will address it individually. They will strive to minimise negative effects for their members.


Q: If it is unknown how much MPs will change their behavior, it might give a better view to ask Market Participants not to change behavior.

A: Any Market Party changing its behaviour participates to move the results of the parallel run nearer to the real future situation. NEMOs/PXs do not believe that a bidding behaviour in the parallel run that is not consistent with the behaviour after the split will yield better results.


Q: Did you also look at the effects of the DE-AT BZB split on other non-CWE countries within the scope of the SPAIC?

A: No, since the implementation of the BZB split is done within CWE and a standardized approach is foreseen for the SPAIC analysis.


Q: Will you publish the aggregated curves for AT separated?

To address the explicit requests from market participants, aggregated volumes are being calculated and published on the ftp server on a daily basis from the start of the X//run. Aggregated curves and Net Block Volumes will be delivered as of mid July. They will be recomputed for all days from 1 July retroactively. Therefore, the whole data will be available for the entire X//run.
NORDPOOL: We will publish the aggregated curves as customers would like to have them, provided that confidentiality is ensured; the aggregated curves will be per bidding zone, hence AT separate after the split.